Helpful Links

Here are some links that may help you to locate information, services and products that will help to enhance and improve the quality of your life.

Click on the square buttons below to visit the various websites.

• UnitingCare Community’s Elder Abuse Prevention Unit
The Elder Abuse Prevention Unit (EAPU) was established in 1997 following the release of “A Report of the Project on Abuse of Older People” (1994) commissioned by the then Department of Family Services and Aboriginal and Islander Affairs. The unit is funded by the Department of Communities to provide a state-wide service to respond to the abuse of older people in Queensland and operates under UnitingCare Community.

• UQ Health Care
UQ Health Care is a not-for-profit organisation owned and operated by The University of Queensland and operates primary health care clinics in Ipswich and on Brisbane’s southside in Annerley and Meadowbrook. The clinics were established with $10m in funding through the Federal Government’s GP Super Clinic initiative. UQ Health Care clinics focus on the particular needs of the local community, with particular emphasis on wellness and preventative care. We work collaboratively with others within the local medical community to manage patients with complex health needs and provide advanced care services.

Aged and Disability Advocates Australia is funded by the State and Commonwealth Governments to provide information, education and support to enable people to understand and exercise their rights and responsibilities, ensuring their voice is heard. ADA’s services are free, confidential and client directed. ADA operates Australia wide with  Queensland offices in Brisbane and regional offices in Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Rockhampton, Hervey Bay, Toowoomba, and the Gold Coast.  ADA provides outreach services to rural and remote communities, and has a free-call information line.

• Anglicare
Anglicare Southern Queensland is an Anglican not-for-profit organisation providing care and support services. We are a proud member of the Anglicare Australia network. We care for a cross-section of our community with our extensive support services from Aged Care, Disability Care, Counselling, Foster Care and a range of Children and Youth Services, Support for People Living with HIV, Homelessness Services, Employment and Training Services and much more. We care for the vulnerable to help them live their lives in fullness and hope. We work towards health promotion and community inclusion. Anglicare Southern Queensland provides support services from Townsville to Coolangatta and across the South West to Roma and Longreach. Spiritual and Pastoral Care is an essential component of our approach to provide support that is person-centred and meets the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our customers. We offer an opportunity to share and reflect on the events and challenges of life in an environment of trust and confidentiality.

• Queensland Seniors

• Seniors Broadband

• Centrelink

• Australian Tax Office

• Ipswich City Council

• Home Care Products

• Discover Ipswich

• Ipswich Art Gallery

• Ipswich Libraries

• Ipswich Events

• Carers Queensland

• Australian Government Senior’s Website

• Australian Pensioners’ and Superannuants’ League

• Money Smart

• Centrelink’s News for Seniors

• Seniors Enquiry Line

• Older People Speak Out

 Ipswich Hospital Foundation

Ipswich U3A

• House Call Doctor

If you need urgent after hours medical care, House Call Doctor provides 100% bulk billed appointments with a doctor. Phone 13 55 66 to book an appointment.


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Ipswich 60 and Better

8 Lawson Street, Leichhardt, Qld 4305

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